Holistic Wellness and Nutrition Coaching
Healing Lives One person at a time

We all give a different meaning to the word Wellness
Some may resonate with the feelings of living illness free, others may describe it as optimum health for carrying out extraordinary sporting endeavors. We live at different paces but there is really no excuses for not living in a state of health and wellness.
Our lifestyle choices shape the person we are. Habits good and bad, emotions, past experiences and daily situations reflect what we see in the mirror.
Transform your body and spirit with these dynamic and fun programs
Through encouragement, education, and support I work with you to create a truly customized program designed specifically for you.
Wellness coaching is all about helping you create a vision for your future, focusing on behavior change in all aspects of your life that require attention. Together, we identify habits that are not serving you then create new ways of thinking and feeling that are aligned with the person you want to be.
What you put in your body has a profound impact on your life!
We believe that it’s about lifestyle choices, exercise, and eating right. It’s about energy and positive mindset and about taking care of yourself through the connection of mind, body, and spirit.
By working together and by finding realistic solutions, we will help you achieve your goals, be that weight loss, skin issues, increasing energy, uncover food intolerances, sleeping better, reducing inflammation, stress management, kicking bad habits and kicking start a healthy lifestyle.
You will learn so much about your body, discover healthy new foods and routines that you enjoy, feel more confident, empowered and so much more!
These Programs are customized to your specific needs, ranging from a single session to six months coaching packages, and include:
One-on-one sessions with Mariana
An overview of your current diet, lifestyle habits and goals
Bespoke meal plans
Unlimited email support
Recipes and shopping lists
Pantry Make-over
Groceries tour
Realistic solutions to stay healthy while living your life
And so much more
I will also assist you with
emotional eating issues
overcoming unwanted dietary habits
sustainable healthy habits
healthy and fun eating plans/ recipes/ shopping lists
in-house food audits of your fridge/ pantry/ workspace
non-diet approaches to ensure sustainable weight loss
overcoming stress issues
+weekly check-ins
+24/7 access to me via email
My coaching scope includes local (Hong Kong) and internationally via conference call and through a specific goal orientated plan.
An interactive and educational experience that leaves you feeling healthier, more energetic, detoxified, and mentally clear.
Long-lasting changes
New relationship to food and eating.
Expect to learn and to laugh in a compassionate and non-judging environment.
Motivation, expertise, guidance and inspiration, as you navigate a new level of health and wellness.
If you aren’t sure which program works best for you click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation over the Skype.
Based in Hong Kong or Macau? Ask about additional services, like cooking lessons, grocery store tours and more!